• Make in India
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  • January 18, 2024
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  • Author: Chetan Bansal


  1. Decide/choose your Goals/targets based upon your inner voice, take advice from experts and/or from anybody else but the final decision has to be always yours.
  2. A systematic process-driven way of planning and working enhances the probability of your success.
  3. Don’t waste your time learning yourself. Take the help of teachers or gurus or mentors who are experts in their respective fields.
  4. Listening, watching, and observing with full focus is the key to your learning and mastery.
  5. Focus on understanding the concept for lifelong clarity and memory both.
  6. Complete your work daily , don`t allow backlogs, and keep on moving with the flow without worrying about results.
  7. With Practice, you can master anything/everything. More practice means more mastery.
  8. Your mind has answers to all your questions, the key is your curiosity.
  9. A healthy mind & body is key to your good memory, intellect, and creativity. And for a healthy mind & body, practice sound sleep, deep breathing, and physical activity and 30-50% of your food must be raw fruits and salads.
  10. Make friends with people having similar goals. This will keep you on track.
  11. You can’t do everything alone, you need other people. To get the best out of your relationships, you must respect all.
  12. The best way to solve any problem or dispute, focus on the solution.

From the Desk of Chetan Bansal

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Chetan Bansal