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  • June 18, 2024
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  • Author: Chetan Bansal


Compulsions act as catalysts for your success and personal growth. So, let it be your guiding light and force that drives your life and not the outer world.

Stop stressing yourself by overburdening yourself with so many dreams/desires/goals/targets…

You have all the power to achieve anything/everything. Right!!!

But you don’t have the time and energy to achieve everything. It is this shortage of time that creates undue stress and anxiety.

The human unaware mind wants to achieve so many things particularly when he sees so many people succeeding in so many things. He wants to be on top of everything. He thinks when others can, he can also achieve but he forgets that accomplishing every goal needs a lot of time, energy, focus, and dedication in learning, planning, and execution. The human mind has limitations in that sense.

The human unaware mind is influenced by numbers and gives priority to numbers over quality, precision, and excellence in the outcome of the achievements. It is always better to do something with full focus and dedication to get excellent results rather than going for a greater number of achievements.

Running towards so many dreams, goals, and targets at the same time also creates undue stress and anxiety as the human mind is not capable of doing so many things in parallel. Having said that this capability varies from person to person. One person may choose 3 goals at a time and can comfortably achieve them, and another may choose only 1. This is just an example, ultimately, it’s your inner call and personal choice, whatever you decide is best for you. I am just trying to help you avoid undue stress in your life and try to realize the importance of mental peace and excellence in your work rather than going for numbers in life.

You may dream of so many things, but I assure you that you can only achieve those things/dreams/desires/goals/targets for which you have a compulsion. Yes, you heard it right, all thoughts and ideas are never manifested in life. So, it would be better to focus on things/actions based on your priorities which are derived from compulsions in life. After all, life is all about accepting compulsions and giving your best response to those compulsions.

Compulsions are like your destiny that gives direction to your life and a path chosen by the universe for you to give your best response and performance. All your life learnings, lessons, and personal growth are hidden in all the compulsions of your life.

So, in a way, you can say that the driving force to set and achieve your goals or anything in life is compulsion. This has the advantage that you don’t need to plan your life. You just need to accept the compulsions and the challenges associated with them and plan to give your best response with full focus and dedication.

That’s it, if you can do that you won’t need to do anything else, you don’t need to search for happiness, life purpose, your hidden talents, or anything you want. All of these are hidden in the seeds of compulsions and challenges thrown at you from time to time in your life. This does not mean that your journey will be easy, it may be tough and can create so many hurdles. The purpose of hurdles is just one i.e. to help you grow in life.

So, why worry and stress yourself with the burden of fulfilling so many dreams? Just live in the moment giving your best response to all the compulsions in life and you will be happy.

There are 2 types of compulsions

1) Compulsions of outside situations. Like if your family’s monthly expense is Rs 50k, then you will somehow achieve that money without any doubt, won’t you? Like on seeing a terrorist you will either fight or run away.

2) Inside compulsionsthe compulsion of fire and passion inside you to do some specific thing. This fire consistently keeps on bombarding thoughts and ideas inside you to plan, act, and achieve that something.

The word compulsion means the things that are not under your control. A simple basic example to explain compulsion would be your hunger. It is a compulsion to eat anything or something. Same way every human has a specific role and purpose in life which can either change with time or remain the same throughout your life. Let’s take an example of a profession, you must have seen some people pursuing the same profession throughout their lives and many people who keep changing their profession now and then. What influences their decision is nothing but compulsions.

The human unaware mind keeps on dreaming about so many things, targets, and goals to achieve. And most of the goals/dreams are under the influence of other people. This means you feel the urge to do something or achieve something as others are doing it or achieving it and not because you want to do it.

If your decisions are influenced by others, you will find that you are not able to start or stop early or stop in between and ultimately not able to achieve. Here I would like to add that when you try to copy others and ignore your compulsions/inner voice/priorities it is a sure strategy for stress, anxiety, depression, sadness, and miseries in life.

If you want to learn, grow, and remain happy in life always do something for which your energy/inner voice/destiny is aligned, so when deciding listen to your inner voice/compulsions and not outside people.

There could be a problem associated with your compulsions or messages from your inner voice as well. Many times, your inner voice communicates to you so many goals/targets not for today but for future. But your mind sometimes becomes so anxious and wants to act to fulfill all the goals at the same time or wants to accomplish all goals fast. This leads to undue stress affects your focus and performance and even delays your goals.

The reasons for not achieving some goal or target at a given time are as follows

  • You have no compulsion about that thing, it is not your priority.
  • limitation of time and
  • your energy/destiny/compulsion doesn’t give you that fire/passion to do that thing.

So, stop dreaming and putting yourself under enormous stress to do so many things. You can’t. Understanding your limitations and acting on your compulsions is very important. You won’t be able to focus your time and energy on so many goals particularly when you don’t have the fire/passion and compulsion for it.

You have been chosen by the universe for specific roles and jobs. And you don’t have to search for these specific roles and jobs. These jobs and roles will come towards you on the path of your life. When it comes the same universe will give you the intelligence, skill, courage, and resources to achieve that thing.

When the same universe closes the door for something, you won’t be able to open that door. Closing a door to something is an indication and alarm for you being chosen for a new role/goal/target. So don’t resist anything coming and going out of your life. Just keep on MOVING WITH THE FLOW OF LIFE under the compulsions of life.

So just accept and surrender yourself to all compulsions decided for you by the almighty. Have patience and he will give you and/or he will get the things done for you using your mind and body at the right time. And it’s already happening whether you know it or not, you just need to expand your awareness to witness that.

Relax and enjoy life…

Life is working on an automatic path, on predefined, pre-installed universal software. Your overthinking, stress, and burden won’t change anything. Let’s make the compulsions your guide, the radar of your life. And keep giving your best response to all the compulsions in life. If you do that there is no space and time left for overthinking and stress.

Always remember that every person has different compulsions and life paths derived from their different destiny. I have the energy, skills, and support only to work on those goals aligned with my destiny and not theirs. It would be foolish on my part if I wanted my life to be like theirs and copy them.

Being in a relaxed and happy state is the only key to getting aligned with your destiny. This enhances your performance to achieve your goals, and enjoying the journey called life…

From the desk of Chetan Bansal

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Chetan Bansal