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  • January 7, 2024
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  • Author: Chetan Bansal


Let’s understand the science of human mind coming under the influence of others and how to save your mind from that influence and your life from miseries?

How the information enters our mind?

It is through the five senses that all the information enters the mind.

This means the information coming from outside people and situations influence your mind. The influence can be negative or positive.

This is how our senses work: –

  1. Smart/physically attractive people influence the mind through eyes.
  2. Good speakers/writers influence the mind through ears and/or feelings.
  3. Music and songs influence the mind through ears and/or feelings. Music has no language. Good music in any language can influence the mind positively. Noise from vehicles and machines negatively impacts the mind.
  4. The fragrance of good food, plants, and the environment influences the mind positively through the nose. And the bad smell has a negative influence on your mind.
  5. Good taste of food influences the mind by evoking positive emotions through the tongue and tasteless food invokes bad feelings.

The human mind’s thoughts, feelings, emotions under the influence of outside information might lead to the development of biased beliefs or wrong perception.

3 ways that influences human mind.

They are as follows: –

1) the human mind has a tendency to attract negativity.

A human unaware mind tends to remember and prioritize negative feelings/emotions over positive ones. There is a common saying that even a single negative unintentional action after 999 good actions can tarnish good image permanently.

People have a habit of checking negative news in detail and just the heading of positive news. News and media people misuse this mind tendency to raise popularity. They show, write, give in-depth information, and analysis of negative news to enhance their viewership.

The fact is that negative news are few. Media highlighting the negative news makes people believe that this world is full of bad people and negativity. This negatively impacts the human mind.

2) famous personalities influences human mind.

Famous singers, musicians, dancers, actors, sportspersons, politicians, etc. had a responsibility to show people the truth. Many big companies and political parties are using famous people to promote poor quality products, services and create a positive image of some leaders. And they do it through speeches, advertisements, seminars, roadshows etc.

The looks, voice, style, and personalities of famous people hijacks the natural intelligence of masses. And people just believe in what they preach. This creates a biased image in people about the quality of the products and services leading to wrong buying and voting decisions.

This way famous people help a few corrupt people to gain money at the expense of society.

3) a person touches a pain point to gain trust and most likely misguide you.

There are always some people looking to make you a medium to fulfill their unethical wishes and dreams. He/she will first find a place in your heart via emotional connection by touching your pain point. This leads to development of trust. After that they will misguide you and motivate you to take wrong, unethical, and inhuman actions. And by the time you realize your mistake, your life has already been ruined.

Let’s understand it with an example of how terrorists are born.

Pain of loss near and dear ones

A child witnessed the killing of his parents/family by armed Govt. forces. A poor child is unaware of anything, and he/she develops a traumatic memory of this incident. For him/her the armed forces or the Govt. is never right. His innocent mind tags them as cruel humans. And the child has a right to believe that as his whole life has been ruined. Nobody can understand the pain/trauma of witnessing the killing of his parents/family in front of his own eyes. Nobody can imagine this pain except those who witnessed it.

He is not aware of the facts.

But the poor child does not know that his family was living with a tribe of terrorists who were killing innocent people now and then. The armed forces gave many chances to these terrorists to surrender without any success. Ultimately they were left with no option but launch a attack on the terrorists. During the operation, the family of innocent child also got killed as they were living among these terrorists, and it was very difficult for the forces to differentiate and isolate good people among terrorists. 

Became a victim of social stigma.

So, the child lost his family/parents. He also became a victim of social stigma as being tagged terrorist by others. He feels isolated, rejected, dejected, and has nobody to take care of his needs. His mind and emotions are in total disarray suffering from immense emotional disturbances and psychological pain.

Touches the pain point for emotional connect and trust.

At this point in time, there comes the entry of a person into his life, an opportunist person with a vested interest. For him conditions of this child are a perfect recipe to become a potential terrorist. He portrays him as his friend and his well-wisher, touches his pain point and tags the armed forces, Govt., and the public as bad, cruel, and against his community. He also cites various similar examples including himself who suffered the same type of misery.

This creates a negative, painful biased belief in his mind.

He takes him to a place where he finds people with similar stories. The reference of other people stories makes him believe that he is victim of suppression, aggression, and violence by the other community intentionally. But there is nobody to tell him the truth. A negative, painful, and disempowering belief is created in his mind. This is enough to make him a future terrorist, not by conscious choice but based on painful belief. This is a perfect example of exploitation of painful point of a person by another person with a vested interest.

Fight of beliefs.

So, can we blame? Everybody is right in their perspective and acting under the influence of their biased beliefs. Their whole life of humanity has been a fight for beliefs. Everybody wants to prove their beliefs right and others wrong.

See, this is an extreme example of infusing biased beliefs by others. But if you dig deep into your life, you will find yourself being misguided and influenced negatively by someone in some way or the other at some point in life. And by the time you realize your mistake, it’s already very late.

But in life, there is nothing late or early. Whenever you realize your mistake, the best would be to correct it immediately, learn from it, and never repeat it in the future. This is all you can do, and your focus should always be on what you can do.   

So, you need to rise above the emotions to understand the truth to align your decisions and actions with the truth for the right results. Your beliefs, perceptions, decisions, and actions become biased under the influence of other people who play with your emotions leading to wrong results in life.

Role of media to prevent development of biased perception in masses.

Once a biased belief is formed, it leads to biased perceptions, decisions, actions, and misery in the lives of individuals, families, society, nations, and the world.

So, everybody using any form of mass communication, whether it is TV, radio, social media, films, books, or any kind of mass media must understand their role in influencing the beliefs of masses. They must become more responsible towards

  1. what they publish,
  2. to show people the full truth,
  3. not to highlight the negative news,
  4. to highlight the positive news

to develop a feel-good factor and good empowering beliefs in people for a better world and not for a bitter world.

How to highlight negative news

The highlight of negative news must be supported by the truth and should not be based on biased opinions.

But the problem is that some media people, instead of focusing on news/information, try to influence people with their own opinions and beliefs.

They do so knowingly for some vested interests and if doing unknowingly, I doubt they have a journalist degree or license. It is not that all are giving wrong information and creating biased beliefs, but very few. 

5 ways to know the truth and stay away from prejudice and bias.

It would be foolish on your part to expect others to be responsible and show you the right path. It is your responsibility to help, not only yourself but others also to come out of darkness by showing them the truth.

The best would be to work on your mind, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and perceptions. But the big question is how? You can practice the following tips: –

  1. Don’t trust blindly even if someone praises you immensely.
  2. Try to remain cool and calm in every situation.
  3. Don’t make an instant decision and wait for some time before making any decision.
  4. Try to listen to your inner voice.
  5. When confused you should use this one filter to make all decisions. “Any decision is bad if it can harm you or others or all. Any decision which is good for you or others and not harmful to others or you is a good decision.” 

Your mind can be your greatest friend or worst enemy, choice is yours. You should not allow anybody to poison it.

Understanding the human mind should be the #1 purpose of your life and it will save you from miseries and make your life a joyful journey.

Book Meet the Real You

To Raise your awareness, stay away from influence, and succeed in life, you must read a comprehensive book on life “MEET THE REAL YOU” written by me. A 432-page masterpiece, #1 international bestseller, life-changing, philosophical, spiritual, motivational, and inspirational treat. It has all the tools and techniques for personal transformation of your mind, body, and life. Available on Amazon worldwide.

From the desk of Chetan Bansal

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Chetan Bansal