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  • January 7, 2024
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  • Author: Chetan Bansal


Understanding the psychology of political and business leadership. Become a better leader and deal with your leadership in a better way.

Who is a leader?

A leader is a person who has been given or who has taken the responsibility to manage and take care of people in the most efficient way for their happiness and prosperity. The overall success of any leader is dependent upon the trust he/she can gain from the masses. The greater the number or percentage of happy people in any organization/group/team/society/country the more is the trust leader has earned through his/her actions and performance.

How are political and business leaders chosen?

A political leader is chosen by the people through the democratic process of voting, obviously if it’s a democracy and most of the countries in today’s world are democratic. A political leader is a servant of society and gets his remuneration the same as an employee of government. A business leader creates his business, chooses the employees and other business associates. A business leader pays salary to employees and his remuneration is the profits in his business organizations.

Tenure and success of a political and business leader.

Whatever may be the procedure of selection of any leader be it political or business, the tenure and thus success of a leader depends upon the overall happiness, prosperity of all or majority of people involved. If a political leader fails, the people bring about change in leader. If a business leader fails the leader remains the same, bringing about change in their own attitude, he/she may change the management, or bring about any change in the organization to become successful again.

How to assess any leadership?

If you want to assess any leadership whether it is Political, Business, sports, or any kind of leadership you must assess only one thing i.e. “Happiness quotient of people”. How can people become happy? Well, the first comes the fulfillment of their basic needs and wants of food, clothing, shelter, medical facilities, health etc. And once their basic needs are fulfilled and people are given equal opportunity, freedom of expression then their happiness quotient rises and once happiness quotient rises, their creativity propels and once creativity propels personal growth happens and when personal growth happens, people start helping others and contribute in many ways for the growth of society. This is all natural and automatic. This way a society becomes happy & prosperous. And when this happens corruption, crime and all social evils vanishes automatically.

Does your leader deliver what he/she promises?

Are they converting their promises into actions and actions into results. If not, either the intention of your leader is not right, they might have some vested interests or they lack skill to fulfill the promises although they might be smart enough to influence you through emotional speeches but when it comes to action and performance, they do the opposite. The tenure or political life of a leader is short and temporary who is not able to deliver results. Same way when the business leader underperforms either due to his/her bad intention or weak skill or both, his/her internal employees and external associates may suffer financial losses and they will break their ties with the business leader.

What is leadership about?

Leadership is all about leading the ships from the front to make a joyous journey for all. When the times are easy anybody can lead but it is difficult times which shows the true character & skill of any leader and tests his ability to navigate in difficult times which determines his/her creditability as a leader.

6 typical traits of a good leader.

  1. they talk less, promise less, and perform more,
  2. takes responsibility for their failures and does not indulge in blame games.
  3. They learn from their mistakes, take action to improve and bring about positive change.
  4. Their focus area is growth & prosperity of all.
  5. They unite people, enhance love, coordination, and cooperation among people.  


5 typical traits of a bad leader.

  1. They Speak more, make tons of promises to gain your trust but their performance chart is very low.
  2. On failure they blame others but never take the responsibility for failures and when it comes to some success, you will always find them in front taking credit. They try to create a bad image of opponents.
  3. They might repeat their mistakes as they do not want to learn and change.
  4. Their focus area is personal gains.
  5. They divide people, create disharmony between them, and create an atmosphere of fear just to rule them.

3 results a good business leader should deliver.

  1. A good business leader should be able to generate profits for the organizations,
  2. should be able to retain good suppliers, good buyers, and good management,
  3. All in all, he/she should be able to create a win-win situation for all where everybody gets their share of profit/revenue according to their individual capacities and performance.

4 results a good political leader should deliver.

  1. A good political leader should be able to generate economic growth for the society,
  2. should be able to secure its country from external threats and internal bad elements,
  3. should be able to create an atmosphere of internal harmony among people in the country,
  4. should be able to give the right platform for individual growth and growth of all in society without any discrimination.

My conclusive views on leadership be it political or business.

So, in my view practically, a leadership be it any whether political or business all are same, works on same laws and principles but the significant difference is that a business leader majority of times succeeds as his individual stake is there but a political leader most of the times fail because there is no accountability and low staking, it does not matter to him if he fails to deliver to masses. What matters to him is his vested interests which he is master about.

Who is responsible for good or bad political leadership?

A strong, determined, focused, skillful, kind leader is the prerequisite for a happy society. Well, can we find such a political leadership? Yes, but the awareness of me, you and all is very important. A political leader is just the reflection of the ideology of the people in the society and not vice versa. So, to bring about a positive change in your political leadership, people must increase their awareness and should focus on issues of growth, prosperity, happiness, unity of all rather than on hate, bias, division, discrimination towards some/any people/groups in society. No society in the world can be happy unless and until there is unity and equality.

So, if you are not happy with your political leaders, bring about a change in your ideology, your thoughts, your attitude then a right change shall automatically happen in the political leadership. Be the change you want to see in your political leadership.

Book Meet the Real You

To bring about a positive change in your mindset, society, and political leadership, you must raise your awareness and consciousness.

And for that you can read the book Meet the Real You, written by me; a 432-page masterpiece, #1 international bestseller, life-changing, philosophical, spiritual, motivational, inspirational treat with all the tools and techniques for personal transformation of your mind, body, and life. Available on Amazon worldwide.

From the desk of Chetan Bansal

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Chetan Bansal