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  • July 15, 2024
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  • Author: Chetan Bansal


In this article, we are going to understand what the flow of life is and how moving with the flow of life can help optimize your performance and lead a fulfilling joyous journey called life.

The flow of life can be explained as the people and situations/events that are coming/happening in our lives. We are attracting and manifesting people and situations that we are destined for. And the response we give to those situations is action/karma.

Your life is already planned. All the outer flow of events has been planted and planned in your life to teach you some lessons. So that you learn life skills and grow in life. Our role is to give the best response to that situation.

A universal intelligence/consciousness is sitting inside you that

  1. has created your body, maintains your life, destroys your life.
  2. It already knows the timeline of all the events that will be happening in your life.
  3. It has determined your roles and given you all the skills, talents, desires, likes, and dislikes to fulfill those roles.
  4. It has also predefined your close relationships and other necessary people to help you execute your life plan.   
  5. All in all, it knows everything about your past, present, and future. It has bestowed you with all the powers to handle and overcome all the problems and challenges in life.

A perfect plan for your learning, growth, and evolution.

This plan is unique to you and every person and life on this earth has got a unique plan. So, when your plan is unique, only you have the intelligence, power, and skills to live your journey successfully. For this reason, you should not decide on the advice of others, or you should not advise others. You can get and give suggestions, but the final decision must be taken by the person concerned only based on his inner voice.

This inner voice is nothing but the messages from the universal intelligence sitting inside you. The messages, ideas, and thoughts coming to your conscious mind from this intelligence are called the inner flow of righteous information for you to decide and act in response to the outer flow of situations/events.

So, this is a perfect plan for us. We just need to accept the outer flow of events and respond to them from our natural intelligence.

This is like an academic course or some professional course where the chapters are already predefined and preplanned, and you must learn yourself with the help of a teacher and guide who are the masters or creators of that course and not from any layman. I don’t need to tell you what will happen if you learn from the layman.

If you try to escape some chapter or don’t give your best to some or all chapters, then you will remain stuck in that chapter/course and will not be able to pass that course. You will need to repeat that chapter/course unless and until you pass it.

The same is true with your life lessons coming in the form of events and situations. If you don’t perform well, you won’t be able to learn and grow and the same events will keep on haunting you until you learn, grow, and master that challenge. And you don’t have any choice but to live those life lessons, it’s a compulsion and you can’t change your life plan.

The best teacher/guru to help you guide is nowhere else but sitting inside you. Don’t you think that it would be better to take guidance from the teacher who has written your course of life instead of going to the outside world(layman) for help?

Once you overcome the challenges and learn from the events, the same event/lesson/problem will never come into your life, and this is how you evolve in life. This is a perfect plan for your movement from lower to higher consciousness in life.

The problem comes when your mind unaware of the above facts tries to

  1. Ignore the situation or don’t face the situation.
  2. Try to resist the situation because it is difficult.
  3. Try to respond to the situation based on the suggestions of others without listening to your inner voice.
  4. Try to solve the problem with your thinking and logical mind ignoring the inner voice.

Till now we can safely conclude what the flow of life means

  1. Outer flow of events: Situations and people coming into your life are perfect divine plans for your evolution in life.
  2. Instead of ignoring or resisting you need to give your best response to those outer events so that you can learn, master, and grow in life.
  3. You must take the guidance of your natural intelligence sitting inside you which is unique to you. This intelligence communicates to your mind the exact information on how to deal with those events. This inner communication is nothing, but your inner voice called the inner flow of life.
  4. Ignoring and not trusting your inner voice will fail you in your life events leading to a slowdown or recession of your evolution.

All the failures in life are the cause of all miseries and disturbed emotions which further derail us from the divine planned path of life and further slow down our journey.

Your inner voice is always active and working and is fully accessible to your conscious mind 24/7.

If this were so, then a question would come to your mind why there are so many unresolved/unsolved problems in the lives of people, or why people are stuck in their lives?

My answer would be that yes, this inner voice is always working and accessible, but we are not listening to it, or we are not able to understand its messages. Due to the noise of emotional disturbance, our conscious mind misinterprets the messages of inner intelligence. Or the emotional disturbance distorts the original message of the inner voice.

Your mind only makes decisions and acts based on this inner voice. The distorted message is going to result in wrong decisions and actions and hence wrong results in life. This can be explained with an example. Ask yourself, when there is a disturbance in telephone lines, are you and the other person able to interpret/understand the messages of each other? In the case of inner communication, that disturbance is due to emotional disturbance and the influence of other people.

The next question that must come to your mind is how to remove that emotional disturbance and noise inside to listen to your inner voice as it is without any distortion. For this you need to remove all the noises in your mind, the noises of

  1. Overthinking
  2. Emotional disturbance created due to overthinking.

And to correct the above two you need to stop yourself from

  1. Entangling with people, arguing with people now and then.
  2. Creating resistance and non-acceptance of every event.
  3. Trying to change/control your events and life plans.
  4. Trying to copy others and swaying away from your original life path.
  5. Running away from difficult life situations instead of facing them.
  6. Feeling bad about your life instead of being happy about it.

If you are doing all the above it means that you are not liking the people and situations in your life. You are not loving your life which creates emotions of anger, hatred, jealousy, frustration, etc. Your mind will lose its cool and calm and will get disconnected from your inner voice. Without the guidance of your inner intelligence, your mind will make wrong decisions and actions leading to wrong results in life.

A still, cool, and calm mind can be achieved by accepting and loving all your life events and situations. Doing so will lead to decisions and actions based on your inner voice. And the decisions and actions based upon inner voice are the best, most natural, and most intelligent way to respond to the outer flow of events.  

I know the next question, you will be asking what is this natural intelligence, and how it is different from the mind?

Natural intelligence is the source of your life having all the knowledge/coding/plan about your life. It is also called universal consciousness.

The mind is the tool/medium that gathers outside information and pass it on to inner intelligence. This inner intelligence in turn gives direction to the mind on how to deal with the situation. The mind that knows this intelligence is called an aware mind. The mind that is ignorant about it is called an unaware/sleeping mind.

You must read this article written by me named “Your Natural Intelligence/consciousness the Radar of Your Life Journey”. This will help you understand Natural Intelligence, and its connection with your body, mind, and life,

Book Meet the Real You

you must read a comprehensive book on life “MEET THE REAL YOU” written by me. This will help activate your inner intelligence, and succeed in life, . A 432-page masterpiece, #1 international bestseller, life-changing, philosophical, spiritual, motivational, and inspirational treat. It has all the tools and techniques for personal transformation of your mind, body, and life. Available on Amazon worldwide.

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From the desk of Chetan Bansal

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Chetan Bansal