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  • July 15, 2024
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  • Author: Chetan Bansal


Osho once said, “Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived”.

Let’s analyze the statement…

Because it is not in our hands to change our life situations. I mean whatever is happening in our life, the people and situations coming into our life are not under our control.

If you think that you can control the people and situations coming into your life, just ask yourself one question i.e. how many situations you were able to predict or foresee in your life? And I know the answer would be no or maybe just one or two situations. And if you cannot foresee anything coming into your life, how will you be able to change it? Surely to some extent, you can control your response to the situation, but the situations are inevitable and beyond the imagination and awareness of your conscious mind.

It means everything is happening automatically, problems are coming, getting resolved, and going out of our life on auto mode. Also, the definition of a problem varies from person to person, for some something is a problem and for others, it is not. The things and issues that once looked like problems do not look like problems now.

Not all but some problems get resolved. For the problems that get resolved, people jump forward to take the credit. And they say they have worked very hard to solve and resolve the problem. My answer to them would be that it is not you who created the problem and it is also not you who resolved the problem. The problems that were destined to be solved were resolved automatically with you just as the medium.

If you disagree and still say no and want to prove that you have solved the problem, then I would say that you have also worked very hard for many other problems and challenges in your life that are still unresolved. You might have also experienced many problems in your life getting solved with very little effort or no effort. What would be your take? Then is it your hard work or something else that solved the problem?

The ultimate power which has created this universe, you and everything else is working on some predefined software. It gives you problems and if it wants you to solve that problem, it will give you the intelligence, courage, determination, time, resources, and all other support to solve that problem. And the same power will take over your mind and body to solve that problem through you and not you who solved the problem.

And no matter how hard you try to solve the other unresolved problems if this consciousness doesn’t want you to solve that problem, wants you to live with that problem then that problem will remain unresolved. Deep dive into your life, correlate it with your life, and be very honest with your answer, yes or no.

That is why Osho is saying life is not a problem to be solved as it is being resolved automatically if it were to be solved.

So, the question will come to your mind what I should do, if everything is happening automatically then I should not think and act and stop working to find solutions to my problems. No, try it and you won’t be able to stop yourself from acting or doing karma. Because even your karma is not under the control of your mind but a software/God power/consciousness sitting inside you that controls your life.

Life is a mystery to be lived means he wants you to accept the unresolved problems. Most situations to our mind look illogical and unfair and that is a mystery for you. The question that will surely bombard your mind is what about unresolved problems, how to deal with the pain associated with them? My answer would be acceptance of what you cannot control is the only and best way out of pain. You may not be able to find the solution or desired result but surely you will be able to kill the pain associated with it with a medicine called acceptance.

Acceptance is not only the medicine to relieve the pain associated with the problems but also a great problem solver. You were trying so hard for so long, fed up, and you were left with nothing but to accept and surrender. Miraculously you experience your problem getting solved/resolved in an effortless way. Again, it’s a mystery, the power of acceptance without resistance and surrender to the almighty.

The best way to live life or deal with any or all situations is to keep your mind calm. Train your mind to remain unperturbed by all negative or positive situations as things are not under your control. When your life poses you with some challenge or problem, just listen to your inner voice to act or respond. And give your best without worrying about the results.

That is the mystery I think Osho is talking about. He wants to say that don’t worry about problems, just keep on giving your best response to situations. If the problem is meant to be solved it will. And if not, you won’t be able to do anything but accept the situation. Non-acceptance leads to anxiety, fear, worry, and stress that will ruin your mind and body. And you won’t be able to enjoy your life to the fullest.

Problems not getting solved even with the greatest of efforts and some problems being solved without any effort or little effort is a mystery.

Chetan Bansal

Life is not a problem to be solved because your worry won’t resolve it, but your focused action can. So, he wants to say

a) just act and do not worry,

b) things are not under your control and

c) always be happy irrespective of results in life.

The best way to live life is to keep moving with the flow of life. Give your best response to the outside flow of events and situations with the inside flow of your inner voice.

You can read the article written by me MOVING WITH THE FLOW OF LIFE. This will help you to understand the flow of life and how to move with it.

If you want to understand the mysteries of your life, mind, universe, and relationships. If you want to understand what you cannot control, what and how you can control in your life. To rise above the miseries of life, you can read a book MEET THE REAL YOU, available on amazon.

Chetan Bansal

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Chetan Bansal