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  • January 27, 2024
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  • Author: Chetan Bansal


Here in this article let’s try to understand the evolution of social media. 5 major benefits, 3 major problems, the 4 ways to deal with problems, and the future of social media.


What is social media?

Social media is an electronic medium, application software, and a user-friendly platform to connect people worldwide and share any information across the globe in no time, in real time.

It requires an internet connection and any device that supports social media software like smartphones, tablets, computers, etc.   

Evolution of social media

Social media has evolved over the last decade and has grown immensely during the last 4-5 years. Social media like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and YouTube have revolutionized the way we see, look, and live life today. It has given immense power in the hands of the common man where people can post their thoughts, feelings, personal lives, experiences, expertise, and real incidents in society through text messages, videos, animations, etc.

It has hosts of benefits for the growth and prosperity of individuals and society as well. Let’s understand how?

5 major benefits of social media

1)    Social media has reduced the misuse of power by centralized agencies.

Misuse of power is not possible in the era of social media.

Centralized agencies constitute approximately 2% of the population and the remaining 98% being masses.

Earlier without social media, the power was in the hands of those 2% centralized agencies and those 98% were scattered, not united, and they were inactive. They never acted against or didn’t take consistent united action against bad deeds of centralized agencies.

The truth was kept hidden, there was no transparency, and the facts were not available to the masses. Centralized agencies and Mass Media earlierused to temper the information, filter out the information andhide the information from the masses as per their vested interests. They used to play with the emotions of people just to divide and rule them based on caste, creed, religion, region, sex etc.

Now with social media, all the information, incidents, and events whether positive or negative reach the common man in a split of seconds through social media in a transparent manner.

Social media has given the masses the much-needed platform to get united, gain access to all information, and act fearlessly. We must realize that now everything, anything, any information, any action of government- all rules, laws, Judgements, and any wrongdoing of anybody/everybody or any Goonda element activities can’t escape the Eagle Eyes of social media.

Now nobody will dare to do anything wrong. This is the power of CONNECTION of the masses through social media. With transparency the centralized agencies are losing their power games, can no longer fool people and misuse their power.

2)    Social media fosters justice

People are now aware of anything and everything through social media. They have also become aware of their rights and duties as well.

People know if they don’t get justice directly from the authorities or through the Law, they can get it through social media. They can easily share their issues on social media if any authority like government, private, semi-private, public institutions don’t listen to any grievances, issues, concerns, and/or delay the solution.

The issues viral on social media can’t be ignored by the authorities. Then the authorities are left with one option i.e. to investigate the matter in the most concerned, responsible and in a fast manner. Why no option because they know if they don’t act, they will be exposed, will become unpopular, can lose their powerful positions and the governments are afraid of losing their vote bank.

You must be wondering how my issue can become viral? Well! My dear reader you must remember that you are part of the masses and not only you, but all other people have faced and/or are facing such types of problems. They will always have sympathy for you and your post will have an instant connection with them. Any injustice once brought to the notice of the masses through social media shall always be commented on, liked, and shared on social media.

A few bad elements in central agencies/authorities won’t be able to survive in the flood of masses. Slowly over a period, even those bad elements/the sinner gets transformed into masses. Their sin dies and society will get transformed.

Even this will reduce the burden of judiciary. The number of cases filing will reduce in courts as most problems will get a fast resolution directly from the concerned authorities.

So, justice won’t be denied, and it won’t get delayed and what more you want. Can this make our planet a paradise?

3)   Rise of Good leaders in society and politics through social media

People/citizens nowadays know their political candidates and social influences very well. Their background, qualifications, past work done, character, skill, will, and above all their eagerness to work for society is very well known among the masses. This has led to the increased popularity of people of great integrity having good human values. And they have already started occupying powerful positions in society and more will occupy them in future. Don’t you think this is going to transform society positively?

Voters have now realized how politicians have exploited them in the name of religion, caste, and subsidies. They are aware that these powerful people want them to be beggars for life and don’t want to allow them to grow personally in terms of education, skills, and financial power. Now these minorities are understanding/have understood their rights and will throw out these politicians having vested interest with Selfless politicians who want to work for the growth, and prosperity of the common man, society, nation, and world.

And once the good humans become political leaders, the masses are bound to prosper.

4)    Personal growth and rise of humanity through social media.

Many good skillful people and spiritual leaders have come into the limelight spreading messages of true humanity fostering growth of individuals and society as well.

Their messages through articles and videos are helping people in following ways: –

  1. Awakening to their true potential,
  2. Growth of their mind, and spirit,
  3. Realization of human values,  
  4. Learning of many life skills and professional skills

This all led to the personal growth of individuals and the rise of humanity in society as well. I believe this has already transformed many people and will keep on transforming people. And it won’t be far off when peace, joy, and happiness prevail in the whole world. Then the world shall witness the true Ram Rajya…

5)    Social media is a friend for all.

It is your friend irrespective of who you are and is always there to help you. Whether you are a professional, freelancer, a businessman, a company, a society, some social entity or groups, govt/semi govt agencies, a political party or anybody, it has something or the other to offer for you.

It is available for everyone 24/7, for free, and without any discrimination of caste, creed, religion, region, economic status, etc.

It helps people in many ways which are as under: –

a)     A sure place to share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

People share their feelings and emotions by posting their photos, videos, and written messages.

And the best part is that it comes with the like button and has no dislike button or very rare to see someone hitting the dislike button. So, what ever you post, you are always going to see likes. This means the platform is not only accepting your thoughts and feelings but at the same time approving and appreciating you. This fosters your liking and the connection with the platform itself.

b)     A platform to promote your brand, product, and services.

You can also promote your products and services in following manner: –

  • increase your brand awareness by posting detailed information about your product and services,
  • can advertise your products and services and the best part is that you can choose your target audience. The social media has profile of millions and billions of users and gives you the option to filter out your audience.

c)      A place to connect with people individually and in common interest groups.

Social media is a platform to connect people one to one in real time irrespective of physical distances and boundaries.

It also has a feature to create common interest groups. This way people can connect with like-minded people all over the world and can jointly experience their interests, hobbies, and passions.  

d)     A platform to share information by prominent agencies and persons.

Most prominent agencies like the government, semi-government, political parties, big companies, celebrities, etc. have their special pages and accounts. They use these accounts to give/update key and detailed information about their activities and for sharing knowledge.

e)      A space to get information and knowledge about anything.

Social media has accounts of so many experts, govt and semi govt organizations, researchers, business houses, famous personalities, etc. So, all types of information and knowledge in various fields are available on social media.

And there are so many other benefits of social media. But wait! Is there something more about it? What are its weaknesses, and can it harm us and our society in any way? Let’s understand in what way and how to tackle it?

3 major problems of social media

1)    Centralized ownership.

These social media platforms are owned by big private companies, and they can under the influence of powerful people delete your content, force you to amend your content, or even delete your account altogether and you won’t be able to do anything, and this is already happening. Still, I would say they cannot be very irrational or erratic in their decision to check and correct your content because that would bring a bad name to their platform but still, they can control you to some extent.

2)    Easy to spread fake news and information.

Also, it is very easy to spread fake news and information and create a wrong perception or change the perception of the masses about some incident/event/activity/ideology by some powerful people for their vested interests by using social media influencers.

3)    Addiction, increase in screen time.

Many people are getting addicted to social media and are wasting their precious time on it. Too much screen time is negatively impacting their mental and physical health. Also, they are not giving enough time to their relationships and profession, leading to problems in them as well.

4 ways to deal with the problems of social media.

So, anything, any discoveries or advancements have their pros and cons, and nothing is foolproof. The only thing foolproof is the awareness of the masses.

1)    Be vigilant.

People must be vigilant, must check the source of information, must cross-check the authenticity of any information and should never come under the influence of any popular or unpopular social media influencer or any post.

The ultimate solution to any problem is your awareness. You must increase your awareness by working on your perceptions and belief systems. This will help you make righteous decisions and save yourself from the negative influence of outside people and situations. I am sharing 2 links for the same: –




Read the book “Meet the Real You” written by me. It is a 432-page masterpiece, #1 international bestseller, life-changing, philosophical, spiritual, motivational, inspirational treat with all the tools and techniques for personal transformation of your mind, body, and life. Available on Amazon worldwide.

2)    Be responsible.

A humble request to all, be very responsible- Wait, watch, and observe before posting/sharing/liking/commenting on any information on social media, verify its authenticity, filter it through your intelligence, and give your focus to it. Posting any fake news can ruin the life of some innocent person, organization, or entity. Please be responsible and I am sure we all are very responsible citizens of this world. Keep doing a good job, hats off to the people, and hats off to the power of social media…

3)    Reduce your screen time.

Use social media for productive work and give enough time to take care of your health, relationships, and profession. Excess of everything is bad including social media and it can create havoc in your life if not used judiciously.

4)    Another upcoming solution to centralization.

The upcoming solution to centralized social media platforms are decentralized blockchain-based social media platforms. Here nobody, no other person, or even the person who has posted the content won’t be able to delete or amend that. The only correction possible would be another post with updated information about the previous related post.

So, a DECENTRALIZED BLOCKCHAIN-BASED SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM is the future of an already-started revolution. This would be a truly democratic social media- by the people, for the people, and of the people with

  1. full transparency and
  2. without any control by any centralized agency. It has the power to make the world a real democracy; fingers crossed.

Future of social media.

Can anyone stop it? No one can stop it. It is there to stay.

People should understand that social media can’t be reversed, and it will keep on evolving and will stay till the internet stays. A revolution has already happened, and it has gathered its roots and is spreading like a virus second by second, moment by moment thus making the common man more aware, intelligent, and fearless.

Although it has its pros and cons as discussed above but it has just started and will evolve over time and will transform the way we live life.

Thanks, dear social media, you are transforming people, societies, and the whole world, and I am sure with every passing moment you are making this world a better place to live and enjoy life.

And if we are responsible as a user of social media and as a publisher on social media, we can surely make social media a great medium for the success, growth, prosperity, and happiness of all irrespective of any differences of caste, creed, race, religion, region, economic status, etc.   

Past belonged to centralized mass media…

Present is dominated by centralized social media (60%), followed by centralized mass media (40%) …

Future will be dominated by decentralized blockchain based social media followed by centralized social media and may witness the death of centralized mass media…

Fingers crossed…

-Chetan Bansal

From the desk of Chetan Bansal

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Chetan Bansal