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  • February 20, 2025
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  • Author: Chetan Bansal


In this article, you will understand the Dharma common to all humans. What is your unique life dharma and the methods to adhere to it? Your natural effortless plan for your successful journey.

What is the common Dharma of every human?

Dharma is about making yourself and others peaceful and happy with your presence and actions.

It is not about harming anyone including yourself. Every religion teaches you not to harm others and try to help others. This is the core and basic philosophy behind righteous decisions and peaceful living.

This will help you avoid creating future karmic debts and entanglements and speed up the release of past karmic debts.

So, you should never harm anyone including yourself and if possible, help others. This is the only Dharma that can make this world a heaven or paradise to live in.  Otherwise, it will make your present and future violent and miserable.

Every person is given a specific role to play in this universe. To play that role he has been given a Unique Individual Dharma. Let’s understand it further.

What is your Unique Individual Dharma?

To live life every human has been given 2 tools: –

  1. Physical Body: A moving vehicle through which you experience life and play your role.
  2. Mind: A tool that gives direction to your physical body to act in a particular way.
  3. And most importantly there is something unique about you having the coding of your complete life plan/script.
  • This coding keeps on guiding your life every moment by providing messages/information to your mind in the form of thoughts.
  • This life plan is unique to you and designed for the evolution of your consciousness.  Knowingly or mostly unknowingly every person on this planet is in search of this plan which is nowhere else but within self.
  • This is like a script of your life. It is being communicated to you moment by moment and the future script is kept hidden from you.
  • It decides the shape, size, color, and height of your body and its parts.
  • It has already predetermined your parents, place and time of birth, siblings, friends, spouse, and other associates.
  • It has endowed you with skills, passions, likes, dislikes, and desires, as well as your role in the universe.
  • All in all, it has your complete life plan moment by moment from birth till death and next birth and so on.

Coming to your Unique Individual Dharma. It is your foremost duty and karma to follow your life script which is present within yourself. This duty and karma of yours is called your Unique Individual Dharma. You can call the messages/script communicated to your mind your inner voice or inner calling.

How do I recognize my inner voice or my Dharma?

Does it mean that every thought coming into my mind is my inner voice and I should follow it?

No, first, understand your mind.

  1. On average every human gets about 60k thoughts every single day. Can you act on all these 60k thoughts? The obvious answer is no.
  2. Again, there are so many varying thoughts even for one given situation. So, you can follow only one.

So, it means all thoughts in your mind are not your inner voice and many thoughts are extra that are not required or useless for you. If this is so, what are these extra thoughts in my mind? These extra thoughts are nothing but created by your emotionally disturbed mind. A fearful, sad, and disturbed mind starts to assume negative outcomes in life, and it is called the illusion of mind. These extra thoughts are nothing but the illusion of your mind having no connection with the truth or your inner voice.

Most people assume this illusion of their mind as their inner voice and act upon it. This leads to wrong results and distracts them from their original life path. They are not able to perform their given role in the universe which makes them sad and miserable.

What is the way out? How to eradicate the illusion of your mind? Or

How do you listen to your inner voice? Or how to follow my Unique Individual Dharma?

Core Formula: Remember only one thing, if you can train your mind to remain cool and calm in every situation then no illusion can cloud your mind. And a mind devoid of illusion has no emotional disturbance or noise. A mind without any noise can easily listen to the inner voice. The inner voice is the only guidance perfectly designed for the success of your life.

You need to do this to train your mind to remain peaceful in every situation and eradicate all emotional disturbance, noises and illusions.

1. Accept every moment/situation

Accept every moment/situation that you are in. Remember your nonacceptance won’t change the situation, it has already happened. You can only control your response to the situation, so shift your focus on that. Let me explain further how to accept the truth and keep doing your karma without thinking.

Remember this truth: Your birth time, place, and parents are unique to you which has already decided your full unique life plan. Every other thing in your life is based on this. So, your energy, mindset, psychology, physical body, life script, path, relationships, purposes, roles, and ultimately death time and place are also unique to you. If you are unhappy with your complete life, or 1, or 2, or 3, or more areas of life and want to change your destiny, then you must change your birth time, place, and parents. I am sure you can’t do it. So, a better choice is to accept, love, and appreciate whatever you have in your life. This will help you eradicate over-thinking or thinking negatively and focus on what is and what best you can do in every moment or situation.

This truth of living in the present moment—accepting that the present moment is inevitable, and your action/karma must be to give your best response to that situation with full focus—has the power to change your future destiny.

What this means is that you don’t have any control over the situation- This is destiny and why waste your time on something you can’t control and/or change? The response to the situation is under your control and part of your karma. The better choice would be to give your full focus on that.

When your focus is not to repent the situation but to give your best action/response then there is no negativity left in your mind but only peace.

2. Observe every thought in your mind and all situations as a witness

Let’s move one step ahead and allow your inner voice to take over your mind and control your 3 core karmas in every moment- Perceive, decide, and act for you without any conscious effort from your mind. This is like allowing your unique individual dharma to automatically take control of your life.

You just need to train your mind to observe every situation and thoughts in your mind as a witness. When I say as a witness, I mean don’t get moved by the situation and/or your thoughts. Just remain unaffected and allow things and situations to follow their natural course without your intervention. If your intervention is required, let that inner voice decide for you but not your conscious mind.

You are just consciously present watching and observing everything outside and within. Always remember no negativity can withstand your conscious presence. Observation as a witness will not allow any emotional disturbance or noise to remain in your mind.

With no noise or disturbance in your mind, your inner voice will start to control your mind, and it will take over your mind. It will perceive the situation for you as it is based upon truth without any bias. When there is no bias, there will be right decision making and when the decision is right, the actions and results will also be right.  

A mind connected and influenced by the inner voice is an aware mind. A mind disconnected from the inner voice and under the influence of the outer world is an unaware mind.

Your inner voice is the compass of your life and along with your mind & body, it is called the Radar system of your life. To understand its Metaphysics, you can read another article written by me – OPTIMIZING THE RADAR SYSTEM OF YOUR LIFE.

Stay calm in every situation and listen to your inner voice to decide the best course of action. If you can do this, nothing else is needed for a successful life. Let your inner voice/awareness work for you to make your journey successful.

Formula to differentiate between my Inner voice and the Illusion of my mind.

One more question is coming to my mind. Is there some formula for determining whether a particular thought is an illusion of my mind or a message from my inner voice?

Let me try

In each moment there can be two opposing thoughts in your mind.

  1. One thought can be based on short-term gain which can harm you or someone else. For example, smoking might give short-term pleasure but in the long run, it is harmful for you. This is a thought of an emotionally disturbed mind.
  2. The other thought might seem like a tough decision, but it is for your long-term benefit. For example, quitting smoking. So, you can safely assume this is the call of your inner voice.

Always remember, your inner voice is the message from your creator. There is only one creator in this universe, and you may call it by any name God, Universal consciousness, or something else but one thing is sure it has planned everything for your good.

So, the formula is “any thought which harms anyone including you is a thought of an emotionally disturbed mind and any thought which doesn’t harm anyone including you and is beneficial for you or others or all is a message from your inner voice”.

Can my Inner voice guide me toward verbal and/or physical abuse?

But wait there might be some situation where my thoughts or inner call wants me to punish someone verbally or physically or even kill that person. So, you might say this is not a message from my inner voice but a wrong action from my disturbed mind. There can be 2 conditions or situations: –

  1. If anyone or a group wants to harm an innocent person for control and domination for the satisfaction of their ego, then it is not a call of inner voice but an act of arrogance. Any action derived from arrogance is Adharma.
  2. If an individual or a group of people persistently causes harm to you, another person, or society at large with the intention of exercising control and domination then your act of punishing them is not a call of egoic mind but the inner voice. This is not Adharma but Dharma where you want to protect innocence and truth from arrogance even if you are not affected. Krishna eradicating Kansa and Rama eradicating Ravana are typical examples.

The point I am trying to make is, just listen and follow your inner voice, which is your Individual Unique Dharma, and it will always be for your good and everyone’s. Your inner voice is the call of the creator/God who wants you to perform your role as designed.

What if my inner voice takes me on a bumpy ride?

If you feel that your inner voice is taking you on a tough path and can make your life miserable, even then you need to follow. This feeling is nothing but a fear of the unknown zone particularly when it is not supported or approved by the people around you. I always say your Dharma is to follow your inner voice and surely that path is designed for your growth as a soul.  Following others is the main reason for your emotional disturbance and makes your life miserable. Following your inner voice will only give you moksha from the miseries of your mind.

Why do I need to make decisions based on my inner voice?

Now there must be some situations and conditions unique to your life plan, in which nobody else but only your inner voice has the perfect answer to that situation.  For example, your role in this universe might be to heal people by becoming a doctor. And your parents may want you to become a businessman, and someone might suggest you become a pilot.

Deciding on someone else’s advice is a sure-shot way to distract yourself from your original life path, making you feel voids inside and lose your identity. This happens irrespective of failure or success in a decision influenced by others. The only reason for this is internal disharmony as you didn’t follow your inner voice. You must understand that you just need to follow your inner voice to keep yourself happy, fulfilled, joyful, productive, and on a continual path of growth in life.

Let’s do some exercise. Ask people around you to check their happiness quotient. The ones who will say “No” are the ones who don’t listen to their inner voice. The ones saying “Yes” are the ones who in the past followed their inner voice despite all difficulties. 

So, in life, you must follow your inner voice for every decision whether small or big, what to eat, what not to eat, how much sleep, whom to marry or not, which profession to choose or not, and the only advice you need is to follow your inner voice. 

Even if you want to take advice, take it from the experts, but still the final decision must be based on your inner calling. Their advice might be good for you or not, but your inner calling is the guaranteed right guidance for you. Why? Because it is your life, and your inner calling is nothing but your life script/response action to your every life situation.

I am not saying that the advice of other people is wrong, or they intentionally want to put you on the wrong path. I am just saying that their life path, life situations, and responses to those situations are different from your life script. People are not aware of their life script; how can they know about yours? So, they might be giving advice based upon illusions/assumptions or if they are aware of their script then they might be advising you based on that.  Their script and your script are surely unique and different. If this is so their advice to you is most probably going to be wrong. Why play with probability if you have certainty hidden in your inner voice? Better learn to know, access, and master that inner calling.

So, you must live your life inside out and not vice versa. This one awareness will bring back your life on the original natural path that you deserve and are destined for. 

Your Dharma is to follow your inner voice and let others follow their inner voice. In the same way, another person’s Dharma is to follow his/her inner voice and allow others to follow their inner voice.

You can also read the following articles written by me to have a deeper understanding of Dharma

  1. I don’t harm others, yet they blame me for their unhappiness. Am I not following my dharma, or am I truly responsible?

2. A Practical Guide to Fulfilling Your Dharma, Responsibilities, and Duties for a Successful Journey

In your quest to understand the deepest secrets of your life, you can read the Book “MEET THE REAL YOU”. A #1 international bestseller in multiple countries and multiple categories.

Book Meet the Real You

Understand the depths of your mind, life, and relationships. It aids personal growth, transformation, and harmonious relationships with yourself, others, and the universe. This masterpiece is a recipe to win the game of life and is available on Amazon worldwide.

Wish you a wonderful happy and joyous journey called life forever…


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Chetan Bansal